Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Between the best and the worst,the worst had won..

I love you.                                                                        
 It's been about 3 years and we have spent every moment together, every laugh, every tear, every smile was with you. I don't even remember a day when I was single. When I was on my own. All those freezing nights we spent fooling around outside in the snow building snowmen that never quite turned out like we wanted. Coming in the warm house and you giving me your sweatshirt without me even asking made me feel like we were forever.. Just a sweatshirt made me feel like you loved me right from the beginning..The sweet dinners that you took me too, where you being as handsome as ever, when that one time when I had spaghetti and I got some sauce on my face and you generously and sweetly wiped it off my cheek. It made me feel loved and wanted..And then the summers that we spent at the beach swimming and then watching the orange ball of fire slowly drop from the sky, as if it was dropping right into the teal warm water. As we watched every sunset, we layed on our beach towel with our feet in the warm sand growing colder and colder and the temperature outside changed. Listening to the seagulls as we shared a laugh and exchanged smiles to each other. Besides watching the sunset, we had every day, every early morning at where we had first met. The place that we were both so comfortable with, where we had both spent our entire life's. The place where all your worries went away when you glided you hands into the water pulling your body weight with your arms pushing it behind you and using your legs as is they were propellers moving a ship. The pool. Remember the very first time we met? My first high school swim meet, and it was your sophomore year first swim meet! I thought it was truly love at first sight and I really thought you did too.. but it didn't seem like that after a couple years.. The things I didn't think was true.. the voices of your friends that I didn't want to believe. Because they told me you cheated.. cheated.. you lied to me. Those nights when you said you were going to your "friends" to help him study for chemistry! How could you! All the times we spent together.. then that one night I walked in on you with one Of my friends from the swim team! Hello! I have feelings! And me being a girl I HAVE FEELINGS! It's like you didn't care at all.. at that moment when I saw you kissing "that girl" as passionate as you "used" to kiss me. My stomach was in knots.. I was disgusted with you and still am! With you sending me those horrifying texts that I thought you would never say to me! We were fighting so much it was so unhealthy.. we would be fine one day and I was supposedly say one thing wrong and your would go off on me.. it just wasn't good so as sad and as stressed as I am this is the best for both of us..
I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Well let me start with...WOW... I'm not sure if this was about a real boy or not.. But wow! That really caught my attention, right away you started off as if your life was perfect, nothing could go wrong as long as you had him right? Yeah I know that feeling too, but sadly it does come to an end sometimes. S whether this was real or not, you sounded very passionate, I could actually catch your feelings with every word, I felt what you felt, understood everything. I think that's what truelly makes this an amazing blog post! I hope it wasn't real... But keep writing! Ill be sure to read the next one(:
